General Procedures and Policies

Cedar Stone School of Massage is committed to providing excellence in our educational programs and student preparation for entrance into the healing arts profession. The following procedures, policies and guidelines form a structure to ensure our delivery of excellence to our students, our profession and our community-at-large.


Admission Procedure


Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and have a high school diploma or equivalent. Students must be physically capable of performing massage techniques taught in the class. Outlined below are the admission requirements/procedures:


Enrollment in the Massage Therapy Certification Program


Prospective students should complete a Massage Therapy Certification Program application form, provide a completed personal, non-relative, reference form, and submit an application fee of $50. Applicants must, provide a copy of their high school/GED diploma or transcript and complete an interview with a member of our staff. The interview provides an opportunity for students to explain their personal and professional goals, to ask questions, and provides our staff with information to best meet the individual student’s needs. Applicants will be notified by mail or email of their acceptance into the program.


Enrollment in Level I Massage Therapy Class


Prospective students should complete a Level I application form, submit an application fee of $50 and complete an interview with a member of our staff. The interview provides an opportunity for students to explain their personal and professional goals, to ask questions, and provides our staff with information to best meet the individual student’s needs. Applicants will be notified by mail or email of their acceptance into the class.


Enrollment in the Continuing Education Series


Prospective students should complete the registration form for the class selected and submit the deposit fees as directed on the registration form. The instructor of each class will confirm a student’s registration.


Enrollment Dates


A student may enroll at any time prior to the start of a new class. The school has rolling admissions. A new massage professional program and Level I Massage class starts every September, January and May. Registration dates for continuing education classes vary for each class. Please check with the school office, website, and flyers or email this office for registration information.


Credit for Previous Training


Applicants with previous massage therapy education and experience may be awarded credit for their previous training. Please provide transcripts from institutions previously attended with a Cedar Stone application form. Our staff, after review of prior training and an interview with the applicant, will determine appropriate credit and placement in this program. An applicant may be asked to take a practical and/or written exam for this credit.


Credit Transfers


Credit for classes may only be transferred to other massage schools on an individual basis. Transfers will require an agreement from the transferring school to accept credits earned at Cedar Stone School of Massage based on the transferring school’s credit for previous training policy.



Standards of Progress

Student’s progress in all courses in the Massage Therapy Certification Program will be assessed by classroom observations, written exams, and a practical manipulative skills exam. Students are allowed to retake a failed written or practical exam one time. The grading scale is outlined below:


A 90-100 Superior 4 points

B 80-89 Above Average 3 points

C 70-79 Average 2 points

F Below 70 Failure 0 points

I Incomplete 0 points

W Withdrawn 0 points


Students must successfully complete each massage course before progressing to the next course. In order to graduate from the Massage Therapy Certification Program or to receive a certificate from the Level I class, a student must receive a passing grade (70 or better) in all classes attempted. A student’s grade-point average is computed by the following: total points/total units of credit attempted = grade point average. A student must maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA to complete the program. Our staff will gladly assist students for successful completion of each class.


Students receive semester grades via email at the end of each semester. The student’s program GPA is included in these progress reports.


Practical Examinations


A practical exam is given in each of the Massage Program classes. The exam requires the integration of practical skills and academic knowledge. It is an opportunity for the student to demonstrate a synthesis of their knowledge, skill and art of massage therapy. The practical exam will be 40% of the class final grade.




Graduation Requirements –

Massage Therapy Certification Program


  • 70% passing grade in each of the seven courses and a 2.0 or better GPA
  • Satisfactory completion of lab hours in each course
  • Completion of 5 electives
  • Completion of CPR & First Aid training
  • All fees paid in full


A certificate is given upon completion of these requirements.


Student Records


All student evaluations and grades are maintained by the school for a period of five years. Student transcripts are kept on file permanently and are protected from fire, theft and other perils. All student files are kept confidential and secured, only authorized school personnel have access to student records. Students may request through email, phone or in-person a copy of their academic transcripts. Students must give the school written permission via email, fax or letter for any other person or organization to receive student transcripts.


Student Right-To-Know and Campus Security Act


An annual school progress report is issued at the beginning of Fall Semester. The report l includes graduation and certification rates and all other information pertinent to our healing arts school as it relates to the Student Right-To-Know and Campus Security Act.


Career Placement


Cedar Stone School of Massage provides an information board of local job availability.

Although the school cannot guarantee employment upon graduation, every reasonable effort will be made to help students apply their newly acquired skills to the job market. The school provides transcripts and letters of completion for graduates upon request. Massage therapists frequently are self-employed. With this in mind, the school educates students about successful business ethics and practices.

Attendance Policy


We encourage students to attend all classes, or maintain 100% attendance. If a student cannot attend class, please contact the school prior to class. Our staff will assist the student to make-up missed class work. The fee for the first make-up class is $0. Additional make-up classes are $50 per class. . If a student misses 7 consecutive classes the student will be placed on conduct probation and removed from the class.


If a student has chronic absenteeism, (attendance is 85% or less), the student shall meet with the student advisor to determine a plan to correct the absenteeism. If the plan is not met, then the student shall be placed on conduct probation. The student shall meet with the school director to determine a plan for removal from probation. If this probation plan is not met, the student shall be suspended for the remainder of the semester. The student may return the following semester under the original plan of their conduct probation. If the student is unable to meet the terms of the probation plan then the student will be dismissed from the program


Tardiness Policy


Students are encouraged to arrive on time for class and stay the entire class. Students will be considered tardy if they arrive 30 minutes late. Three semester tardies will constitute one absence. Instructors use their discretion in extending credit for attendance or initiating student discipline.


Leave of Absence


Students may request a leave of absence at any point during the program/class. The student must submit a written notice to the school explaining the reason they are requesting the leave. The student can meet with the school director to determine a plan for his/her return to school.


Academic Probation


A student will be placed on academic probation if the student is unable to maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA or drops below 70 in any class will be placed on academic probation for the following semester. The student will be given extra assistance, and a plan developed by the student advisor to enable the student to reach the expected level of performance. Once a 70 and/or a 2.0 cumulative GPA is reached, the student will be removed from academic probation.


Academic Suspension or Termination


At the end of academic probation, if the student has not brought his/her grade to meet 70 and/or a 2.0 cumulative GPA then the student’s progress shall be reviewed by the academic review committee. The committee will then recommend a new probation plan, suspension or termination. The student has a right to appeal the decision to the school’s director. The appeal should be submitted in writing within 10 days of the committee’s decision.


Student Conduct and Conditions for Dismissal


Students are to conduct themselves in an orderly and professional manner, which includes honoring the NCBTMB Code of Conduct and Ethics. Any student not honoring the NCBTMB code of conduct, using drugs and alcohol during school hours, being dishonest, disrupting classes, violating safety rules, insubordination, or not abiding by the class rules set by the instructor will lead to either conduct probation or dismissal from the program/classes.



If the student is placed on conduct probation, the student shall meet with the school’s director to determine a plan including a date for removal from conduct probation. If the terms of the probation plan are not met, the student will be dismissed from the program/class. The student may appeal the dismissal decision using the grievance procedure listed below.




Any student, who has dropped out of the program, may be readmitted within one year by completing a personal interview with the school’s director or student advisor, completing a re-entry application, and paying all fees due at the time of readmission. Program requirements at the time of re-admittance shall be applicable.

Any student, who was academically terminated, may be readmitted after one year by completing a personal interview with the school’s director or student advisor, completing a re-entry application, and paying all fees due at the time of readmission. The student shall be on academic probation for his/her first semester.



Any student who was dismissed from the program for conduct may not be readmitted.


Student Grievance Procedure


Cedar Stone School of Massage sets the following grievance procedure to ensure fair student grievance process and resolution. Any student who has a grievance with an instructor should first discuss the problem with the instructor. If a resolution is not reached, the student may submit a written complaint to the school director. The school director can meet with the student to reach a resolution. If no resolution is reached, the director can refer the grievance to the grievance committee. After the grievance committee meets with the student, the committee will submit written findings to the school director and student. If there is still no resolution obtained, the student may contact:


State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV)

James Monroe Building, 9th Floor

101 North 14th Street

Richmond, VA 23219


804-225-2604 (Fax)


Statement of Students’ Rights, Privileges and Responsibilities


The students of Cedar Stone School of Massage have the right to the education they have paid for and the right to file a grievance under the procedures listed above if any problem ensues. Students have the right to have access to their student files. All student records are confidential. Students have the responsibility to adhere to the school conduct policy and to complete all academic, attendance and financial responsibilities.


Specifically, students will:


  • Be responsible.
  • Be respectful.
  • Cooperatively work with faculty and administration staff in the program to ensure success.
  • Acquire learning skills.


    • Become more self-aware, self-managed, and self-directed.
    • Offer and seek peer support when needed.
    • Seek support from school staff when needed.
    • Develop constructive relationships.


  • Track their graduation requirements, using a credit checklist.
  • Be an active player in their career planning, including developing a personalized career plan
  • Participate in program evaluation.