What kind of massage do you teach?
We offer holistic professional programs and training in transformational massage and natural healing techniques. Massage, bodywork, and other healing modalities are taught from a whole perspective, integrating several cultural approaches including European Massage, Asian Bodywork and Native American Healing Arts.
How long is the program?
Our program can be completed at your own pace with a minimum of 16 months of study.
How much does it cost?
Total program credit hours are 37.
Each credit hour is $295.
Total program cost is $10,915
Is there financial aid?
Cedar Stone offers financial assistance through a number of generous payment plans.
Do you have day/night classes?
We currently offer daytime and evening classes. Student practice lab is open some daytime, evening, and weekend hours.
Will I have a license at the end of the program?
You will receive a certificate of completion which will allow you to apply for your national exam (MBLEX). After passing the exam you are eligible to apply for licensure through the Virginia Board of Nursing. You additionally have the option of taking the National Board Certification Exam (NCBTMB) to receive national certification after you have received your Virginia license.